visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

What is fluoride?

Fluoride has been added to most municipal drinking water and bottled water (except well water) to help reduce tooth decay. It strengthens enamel which is the outer shell of a tooth, and prevents enamel from thinning when exposed to bacteria or sugar on teeth.


Is fluoride safe?

Fluoride has been used in the United States since the 1950’s. It is safe as well as very effective at reducing cavities.



Fluoride Treatment
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visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

Fluoride Treatment

Truska Mahmood, DDS

Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

Fluoride Treatment

visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

Fluoride Treatment

visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New

Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

Fluoride Treatment

visit Dr. Truska Mahmood AT Her New

Pediatric Dental Office in San diego

Fluoride Treatment